Tag Archives: alabama dui lawyer

Alabama DUI Legislation 2014, Part 2

Posted on by DUI Attorney

In my last post we discussed how Senate Bill 117 seeks to change the definition of “under the influence” for Alabama’s DUI law.  Today I want to discuss another change it would make to DUI law in Alabama.  Specifically, it … Continue reading

Alabama DUI Legislation 2014

Posted on by DUI Attorney

We are in the midst of the 2014 Alabama Legislature’s regular session.  Alabama’s DUI Law could be substantially changed if anyone of several bills that have been introduced are enacted into law.  Among the bills filed is Senate Bill 117 … Continue reading

Alabama Approves New DUI Ignition Interlock Device

Posted on by DUI Attorney

The Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences (DFS) recently approved a new ignition interlock device for use by defendants who have had interlock imposed due to an Alabama DUI conviction.  The new device is the FR9000 from Sens-O-Lock of America, LLC.  … Continue reading

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Alabama DUI Law: Pending Legislation – Consolidating Alabama’s DUI Charges

Posted on by DUI Attorney

This is the second installment in a three part blog series on pending Alabama DUI related legislation.  Last time we discussed a bill in the Alabama House that aims to close a loophole in the law mandating driver’s license suspensions … Continue reading

Alabama DUI Law: Pending Legislation – Closing the Alabama Driver’s License Suspension Loophole

Posted on by DUI Attorney

Three bills affecting Alabama citizens accused of DUI have been filed in the Alabama Legislature for the current legislative session.  I will address each of these bills in turn in this three part blog series on pending Alabama legislation.  The … Continue reading